Free Download Sqlite Database Software For Android
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DB Browser for SQLite (DB4S) is a high quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite. DB4S is for users and developers who want to create, search, and edit databases. Database Browser for SQLite uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, and complicated SQL commands do not have to be learned.
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SQLite is a opensource SQL database that stores data to a text file on a device. Android comes in with built in SQLite database implementation.
SQLite supports all the relational database features. In order to access this database, you don't need to establish any kind of connections for it like JDBC,ODBC e.t.c
Database - Package
The main package is android.database.sqlite that contains the classes to manage your own databases
Database - Creation
In order to create a database you just need to call this method openOrCreateDatabase with your database name and mode as a parameter. It returns an instance of SQLite database which you have to receive in your own object.Its syntax is given below
Apart from this , there are other functions available in the database package , that does this job. They are listed below
Sr.No | Method & Description |
1 | openDatabase(String path, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int flags, DatabaseErrorHandler errorHandler) This method only opens the existing database with the appropriate flag mode. The common flags mode could be OPEN_READWRITE OPEN_READONLY |
2 | openDatabase(String path, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory, int flags) It is similar to the above method as it also opens the existing database but it does not define any handler to handle the errors of databases |
3 | openOrCreateDatabase(String path, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory) It not only opens but create the database if it not exists. This method is equivalent to openDatabase method. |
4 | openOrCreateDatabase(File file, SQLiteDatabase.CursorFactory factory) This method is similar to above method but it takes the File object as a path rather then a string. It is equivalent to file.getPath() |
Database - Insertion
we can create table or insert data into table using execSQL method defined in SQLiteDatabase class. Its syntax is given below
This will insert some values into our table in our database. Another method that also does the same job but take some additional parameter is given below
Sr.No | Method & Description |
1 | execSQL(String sql, Object[] bindArgs) Bluetooth for pc to mobile data transfer free download. This method not only insert data , but also used to update or modify already existing data in database using bind arguments |
Database - Fetching
We can retrieve anything from database using an object of the Cursor class. We will call a method of this class called rawQuery and it will return a resultset with the cursor pointing to the table. We can move the cursor forward and retrieve the data.
There are other functions available in the Cursor class that allows us to effectively retrieve the data. That includes
Sr.No | Method & Description |
1 | getColumnCount() This method return the total number of columns of the table. |
2 | getColumnIndex(String columnName) This method returns the index number of a column by specifying the name of the column |
3 | getColumnName(int columnIndex) This method returns the name of the column by specifying the index of the column |
4 | getColumnNames() This method returns the array of all the column names of the table. |
5 | getCount() This method returns the total number of rows in the cursor |
6 | getPosition() This method returns the current position of the cursor in the table |
7 | isClosed() This method returns true if the cursor is closed and return false otherwise |
Database - Helper class
For managing all the operations related to the database , an helper class has been given and is called SQLiteOpenHelper. It automatically manages the creation and update of the database. Its syntax is given below
Here is an example demonstrating the use of SQLite Database. It creates a basic contacts applications that allows insertion, deletion and modification of contacts.
To experiment with this example, you need to run this on an actual device on which camera is supported.
Steps | Description |
1 | You will use Android studio to create an Android application under a package com.example.sairamkrishna.myapplication. |
2 | Modify src/ file to get references of all the XML components and populate the contacts on listView. |
3 | Create new src/ that will manage the database work |
4 | Create a new Activity as that will display the contact on the screen |
5 | Modify the res/layout/activity_main to add respective XML components |
6 | Modify the res/layout/activity_display_contact.xml to add respective XML components |
7 | Modify the res/values/string.xml to add necessary string components |
8 | Modify the res/menu/display_contact.xml to add necessary menu components |
9 | Create a new menu as res/menu/mainmenu.xml to add the insert contact option |
10 | Run the application and choose a running android device and install the application on it and verify the results. |
Following is the content of the modified
Following is the modified content of display contact activity
Following is the content of Database class
Following is the content of the res/layout/activity_main.xml
Following is the content of the res/layout/activity_display_contact.xml
Following is the content of the res/value/string.xml
Following is the content of the res/menu/main_menu.xml
Following is the content of the res/menu/display_contact.xml
This is the defualt AndroidManifest.xml of this project
Let's try to run your application. I assume you have connected your actual Android Mobile device with your computer. To run the app from Android studio , open one of your project's activity files and click Run icon from the tool bar. Before starting your application,Android studio will display following window to select an option where you want to run your Android application.
Select your mobile device as an option and then check your mobile device which will display following screen −
Now open your optional menu, it will show as below image: Optional menu appears different places on different versions
Click on the add button of the menu screen to add a new contact. It will display the following screen −
It will display the following fields. Please enter the required information and click on save contact. It will bring you back to main screen.
Now our contact sai has been added.In order to see that where is your database is created. Open your android studio, connect your mobile. Go tools/android/android device monitor. Now browse the file explorer tab. Now browse this folder /data/data/<>/databases<database-name>.
Latest Version:
DB Browser for SQLite 3.11.2 (32-bit) LATEST
Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
Author / Product:
René Peinthor and Martin Kleusberg / DB Browser for SQLite (32-bit)
Old Versions:
DB Browser for SQLite (32-bit) 2019 full offline installer setup for PC
Free Download Sqlite Database Software For Android Download
DB4S is for users and developers who want to create, search, and edit databases. Database Browser for SQLite uses a familiar spreadsheet-like interface, and complicated SQL commands do not have to be learned.Controls and wizards are available for users to:
- Create and compact database files
- Create, define, modify and delete tables
- Create, define, and delete indexes
- Browse, edit, add, and delete records
- Search records
- Import and export records as text
- Import and export tables from/to CSV files
- Import and export databases from/to SQL dump files
- Issue SQL queries and inspect the results
- Examine a log of all SQL commands issued by the application
- Plot simple graphs based on table or query data
This program was developed originally by Mauricio Piacentini from Tabuleiro Producoes, as the Arca Database Browser. The original version was used as a free companion tool to the Arca Database Xtra, a commercial product that embeds SQLite databases with some additional extensions to handle compressed and binary data.
This program is not a visual shell for the sqlite command line tool, and does not require familiarity with SQL commands. It is a tool to be used by both developers and end users, and must remain as simple to use as possible in order to achieve these goals.
Also Available: Download DB Browser SQLite for Mac